21 January 2008

Considering the Cyprus connection

I am speculating that the adoption of the Euro on the island of Cyprus could make it easier for those online bingo halls dealing in Euros to access the British army bases that have been a feature of that country for many years.

There’s bound to be an online bingo market looking for bingo bonuses wherever you have Brits, especially the wives and girlfriends of British servicemen stationed out there, and now that the Euro is to be legal tender on British bases (the first part of British sovereign territory where this is so), it will be easier to market online bingo games to these people.

This is what I love about online bingo. It has an amazing ability to go to where the action is with very little setup required. Hopefully we’ll see some of our servicemen joining the growing UK online bingo community in the near future.

Written by Bingo Lady

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