08 December 2008

How to speak Bingo Lingo

Half the fun of online bingo is being part of the community and chatting with fellow b-i-n-g-o fanatics.

Online bingo chat rooms are controlled areas, because it’s a safe space for folks from all around the globe to chat, come together, and be entertained by each other and the current Chat master on duty. In this virtual bingo environment, you won’t have any vocal input but will have a general Chat window at your finger tips. Be sure to make yourself heard with the comments you type in this window.

If you have always despised people writing abbreviations like LOL in emails and texts, brace yourself… Bingo is a fast-paced game, especially if you choose the Speed bingo games on offer, and you won’t have time to type in any long drawn out conversations or Shakespearian prose. Therefore you will have to learn to speak Bingo Lingo if you want to keep up with the rest of the players.

Don’t despair though; it can be quite easy to learn Bingolese. If you already enjoy chatting in chat rooms, you should know most of the terms. If you are unfamiliar with chat room lingo, you will find a myriad of abbreviations to cover almost every aspect of the conversation, and it’s very useful if you plan to get a word in edge ways.

Bingo Lingo – some popular terms:

* 10x - Thanks
* 2U2 - To you too
* ?4U - Question for you
* AFK - Away from keyboard
* A/S/L - Age/Sex/Location
* AKA - Also known as
* ASAP - As soon as possible
* BBL - Be back later
* B4 - Before
* B4N - Bye for now
* BLNT - Better Luck Next Time
* BRB - Be Right Back
* CM Chat - Moderator/Master
* CUL8R - See you later
* CYA - See ya
* DIY - Do it yourself
* EOD - End of discussion
* FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions
* FYI - For your information
* GG - Good Going
* GL - Good Luck
* GR8 - Great
* IC - I see
* IMO - In My Opinion
* L8R - Later
* L8RG8R - Later gaiter
* LOL - Laughing Out Loud
* PLZ - Please
* PM - Private Message
* PPL - People
* QT - Cute
* SD - Sweet Dreams
* TC - Take Care
* TX - Thanx
* TY - Thank You
* TYU2 - Thank You & you too
* WB - Welcome Back
* WTG - Way to go
* YW - You’re Welcome
* 1tg, 2tg, 3tg etc - one/two/three numbers left to bingo
* Y - Why?

Get to know some of these terms and practise chatting while you play bingo online, and soon you’ll become an expert in Bingo Lingo – GL!

Written by Bingo Lady

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