03 October 2008

online bingo vs traditional bingo

For those traditional purists who maintain that bingo should never have made the transition to online bingo, I gently thumb my nose at you. The move to the internet bingo has injected a totally new lease of life into this popular game, and made it even more accessible and available to people who might have poopoohed bingo before.

The social aspect of bingo has always been a vital factor in the game’s appeal. A night down at the bingo club, traditionally a pastime for the older generation, who are we to sniff when 20, 30 years later down the line there’ll we be too? (Except we won’t have to traipse down to the local bingo club for a game)!

I won’t go so far to say as online bingo is a genius move, as it was just the logical next step - what with online casinos, poker etc. However, this is one game that has truly profited from the move to the virtual world, sparking a massive interest from players new to the world of bingo and online bingo, and staying true to the social roots of bingo.

Moving bingo online has opened up the delights of this deceptively simple game and made it available for the pleasure of millions of bingo fans around the world. And I’m proud to be one of them!

Written by Bingo Lady

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